Sunday, February 23, 2025

Editorial Policy

At Mackalan, we take great pride in the quality of our content. Our writers create original, accurate, engaging content that is free of ethical concerns or conflicts. If you ever come across an article that you think needs to be improved, please reach out by emailing [email protected]


Our writers and editors investigate claims and verify all information gathered for all articles. We consult relevant, diverse, qualified sources to ensure we’re providing proper context and background to the reader.

All of our news and information is thoroughly reviewed by a staff editor and fact-checked by staff or a member of our experienced fact-checking team. They rigorously evaluate articles for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.

If you have noticed an issue you would like to bring to our attention, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

Corrections Policy

Mackalan is committed to telling readers whenever a factual error has been made, regardless of the magnitude of the error, how it was made, or who it was made by. We will correct the information as quickly as possible and alert readers with a transparent statement clearly labeled as a correction. Please report possible errors to [email protected]


Mackalan requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, organizations, original reporting, professional and academic institutions and studies, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. All data points, facts, and claims are backed up by at least one credible source.

We strongly discourage the use of anonymous or unnamed sourcing, as this can erode transparency and reader trust. In the rare instance where an unnamed source is used, we will disclose to readers the reason behind the anonymity and provide the necessary context.

A cornerstone of our reporting and sourcing is to consider often-overlooked perspectives from BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and women. We strive to serve all communities and reflect diverse voices and perspectives.

Product Recommendations

Our product reviews are independent and based on research and product testing—if you visit links within our content, we may receive commissions from your purchases, but we never receive any compensation or consideration for the content of our recommendations.

Mackalan prohibits writers and editors from giving preferential treatment to any outside resource (company, publication, video, affiliate, website) based on their relationship with the person or company who authors or owns that resource.

All of our writers and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, which we define as any relationship—financial or personal—with any source or resource that may compromise their ability to provide fair and impartial information. As with many publishers, our writers and editors sometimes receive complimentary products or services for review purposes. We are transparent and disclose when any valuable products or services are provided to our editorial teams. Our editorial staff and editorial contributors must not solicit gifts or services for personal purposes.

Independence & Impartiality

Mackalan is committed to independent, impartial, fair journalism. Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. Every staff member and contributor is held accountable to a high standard of honesty and transparency.

We maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content. We label “Sponsored Content” to make clear that such content is provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor.

No Individual Investment Advice

Mackalan does not provide individual or customized legal, tax, accounting, or investment services. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should be consulted before making financial decisions.


Mackalan provides original, useful, and unbiased content. All information must be verified, and properly attributed, and may not infringe the copyright or anyone’s intellectual property rights. Any suggestion of plagiarism is investigated fully and is grounds for dismissal. We expect all contributors on the network to abide by all applicable laws, standards, and accepted journalistic practices including: